On July 4th, SolDAC was present at the first SEED Congress, the First International Conference on Sustainable Energy Education, SEED 2024!
SEED (Sustainable Energy EDucation) is a CoVE (Centers of Vocational Excellence) program. It is an initiative to establish transnational platforms with the support of the Erasmus+ program to find solutions for Europe to become a fossil fuel-free energy continent through education and research.

The congress, with a theme of ‘Improving professional practice through regional cooperation,’ was a pivotal event set to shape sustainable energy education’s future. More than 300 participants attended, and crucial links and cooperation were established at regional and national levels.
LOMARTOV was in charge of organizing the SolDAC workshop. This workshop consisted of two parts. In the first part, the different participating projects (eight in total) explained the technologies and innovations developed in the context of each project and proposed a set of competencies needed to implement the innovations.

The second part, designed to be interactive, encouraged participants to collaborate in identifying training and capacity-building needs, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and engagement in establishing best practices and promoting the adoption of the technologies.

This workshop has been instrumental in establishing relationships with other projects and stakeholders and, above all, in exploring and addressing the needs of our industry, making an integral part of this journey.