4th SolDAC General Assembly in Valencia

The fourth general assembly of the SolDAC project took place on 18 and 19 September. LOMARTOV was the host of this GA. We shared all the progress made in the WP’s and were able to work together towards the integration of the SolDAC unit.

In WP 1, the coordination and project management tasks were reviewed.

In WP2, the updates regarding Full Solar Spectrum were presented. In WP3, the Direct Air Capture (DAC) tasks were examined.

WP4 has been completed and all work now regarding the Photoelectrical Conversion (PEC) Stack is done under the umbrella of WP5. WP6 dealt with Environmental life cycle assessment, SolDAC techno-economic assessment and market potential and Social sustainability: responsible research & innovation, technology acceptance & awareness. WP7 dealt with communication and dissemination, clustering events and Exploitation and Business Starategy.

With less than a year to go until the project’s end, we started preparing the best way to integrate the SolDAC unit. This work takes place in the framework of WP5.

It was a fantastic opportunity to meet again and collaborate to make Full Spectrum Solar Direct Air Capture and Conversion a reality.